“XL Boss”, the anime adaptation of Kani Itou’s manga of the same name, takes us into the world of salarywoman Saki Watase. Saki doesn’t have it easy – it’s bad enough that she’s still single despite being 26 years old and doesn’t even have a boyfriend in sight, but the fact that she is also struggling financially is even worse. In order to make some money on the side, Saki volunteers as a product tester and is promptly supplied with a package full of products that she is to thoroughly test and review. Now, that wouldn’t be a problem at all if she had received a box full of shampoo, make-up or the like, but no … Fate isn’t that kind to the single woman and instead she finds a box full of condoms for testing! And of course not just any condoms, but the XL version …!
While Saki laments her life over a beer or three and once again drinks more than she should, her superior Keisuke Sudou takes care of her. Gentleman that he is, he brings his co-worker to her apartment and just as he is about to take her to her bed, he spots the pile of XL condoms. Keisuke doesn’t beat around the bush and happily agrees to help his co-worker with her testing and reviewing. Perhaps fate is not so unkind to Saki after all, because “product testing” is much more fun with two people …!
XL Joushi., XL上司., XL Boss, XL 상사