In Japan, demons and humans lived peacefully together until, one day, the balance of power was disturbed. The anti-demon Shinobi, called “Taimanin”, have made it their mission to fight the demons. Asagi, Sakura and Murasaki are Taimanin. On their new mission, they fall into a trap set by the syndicate and are captured and brainwashed by the veteran villain Oboro. A life as sex slaves of disgusting monsters awaits them …
“Taimanin Asagi: Toraware no Niku Ningyou” is a shortened alternative version of “Taimanin Asagi 3”.
対魔忍アサギ~捕らわれの肉人形~, Taimanin Asagi: Toraware no Niku Ningyou, 대마인 아사기 포로가 된 고기 인형, Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi: Imprisoned Sex Puppet