The popular adult anime Wagaya no Liliana-san The Animation celebrates its 5th anniversary today. Origin This hentai is based on Wagaya no Liliana-san, a romance mini-story series featuring a sweet…
‘Oppai Infinity! The Animation’ Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
Oppai Infinity! The Animation, a Schoolgirls, Bakunyu, Yuri and Rape hentai, as been out for 10 years since its release. Origin The adult anime is based on Love Letter, a…
Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura Hentai Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary
Helter Skelter: Hakudaku no Mura, a popular Rape, Orgy and Mind Break hentai, has just celebrated its 15th anniversary since its release. Origin The hentai is based on Helter Skelter…
‘Mizugi Kanojo The Animation’ Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary
Mizugi Kanojo The Animation, a popular comedy and swimsuit hentai, has just celebrated its 15th anniversary since its release. Origin The hentai is inspired by Mizugi Kanojo erotic manga by…
‘Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi!!!’ Hentai Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary
The popular adult anime Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi!!! celebrates its 5th anniversary today. Origin This hentai is based on Gaki ni Modotte Yarinaoshi!!! CG by artist Maron Maron, which was…
Saya no Uta Horror Eroge Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary
Saya no Uta, a popular and controversial horror eroge, celebrated its 20th anniversary. Origin Saya no Uta is a highly popular Japanese visual novel featuring elements of cosmic horror, adult…
‘Rance: Sabaku no Guardian’ Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary
The classic hentai Rance: Sabaku no Guardian celebrated its 30th anniversary. Origin The hentai is inspired by Rance – Hikari o Motomete – (ランス -光をもとめて-), an erotic game developed by…
Koakuma Kanojo The Animation Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
Koakuma Kanojo The Animation, a Schoolgirls and Supernatural hentai, has been out for 10 years since its release. Origin The adult anime is based on the hentai manga Koakuma Kanojo…
‘MILF Assault Mode’ Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
Amanee! (MILF Assault Mode), an uncensored hentai about a horny milf, has been out for 10 years since its release. Origin The hentai is based on Tomodachinchi, a story of…
Controversial ‘Pigeon Blood’ Hentai Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary
Pigeon Blood, a controversial hentai for its sadistic scenes, celebrated its 20th anniversary. Origin The hentai is based on Pigeon Blood eroge created by Attorney Powers on August 30, 2002….