Takeshi Ookubo is a student at the prestigious Seifuukan Academy, attended mostly by the rich and influential. Owing to his nasty physique and meager intellect, he has little prospect in getting the attention of, let alone developing a romantic relationship with, the woman of his dreams.
When Takeshi is on the verge of giving up, God bestows upon him hypnosis powers, which Takeshi uses to seduce the attractive girls at his school and build his own harem.
He now embarks on a perverted quest, entrapping both classmates and teachers alike under his command. The academy soon transforms into his exclusive sexual playground as more and more girls begin submitting to his influence.
セフレ学園, Sexfriend Gakuen, Sefure Gakuen, 섹파학원
Where should i start with this Masterpiece
Story 9/10 – So the story is cliche ugly dude gets power to hypnotize girls , he uses this divine power for good will and hypnotize girls in his school to have sex with him
Art Style 10/10 – The quality of the animation is very good, I would even compare it to the best animation from 2020, if we compare it with for example with the god of high school it is immediately recognizable that Sexfriend Gakuen is at a different level of animation
Sound 9/10- The sound is incredible
Character 10/10 -The main character is very nice, friendly and especially funny, the supporting characters are very well written
Enjoyment 10/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
Sexfriend Gakuen is just another of your Average many Hentai with a good premise and a Shity storytelling and very bad execution ;
The story about one of probably the most ugliest Male MC in Hentai since the security guard from (soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru) and the let’s say the “unique” artstyle didn’t help making it any less uglier and speaking of art this Hentai has a really weird goffy’ah artstyle that puzzled me since it’s not bad but it’s also not good at all and pretty much this Hentai only got the premise and the usual weird artstyle and speaking of the premise the story is basically that one day in a prestigious academy an extremely ugly dude get some sort of devine power that manifestating behind hen as pink Aura and its from “God” according to him that give him Hypnosis power and demand him to fu#k every girl in the Academy and make them his sexfriend and looking to that MF face he needs all the devine power in the world to achieve that so any convice by probably just his imagination he start asking girls to be his sexfriend and it’s actually someway worked and he r@p€ every girl in the academy in one day but the Hypnosis only works by making the women horny as fudge and don’t change thier feelings about the MC as he still ugly filthy pig in thier eyes still they keep coming back for his holy peni$ for more delicious baby seeds and descend further into the effect of his Hypnosis until they become his $luts except for one girl who keep fighting against his Hypnosis but no avail and this is the part when it gets hilarious because according to her that the Aura behind him that give him his Hypnosis power are actually the manifestation of all the academy women sexual frustration and its not only control the academy girls but even MC himself ;
Because from some weird reason thier collected frustrated sex aura chosed the ugliest MF in the entire campus to give him the power of Hypnosis and again returning to the MC looks its really didn’t help that the weird artstyle made him look even uglier even though he particularly not visible during the sex scenes which make recommending this Hentai even harder job because although the story not that bad it’s still very average and its obvious that the story is not completely over after the end of the 1st and only episode because probably the Hentai got very poor reception from the horny JP teens and didn’t sell many DVDs And Blueray’s and that why we still not have a second episode till this day;
Anyway this was just another average Hentai with a possibility to be something more but got a mild case of Shity Adaptation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5