Erin is a mercenary who was fortunately rescued by Nighthawk, a sword spirit. Since then, the two of them have been almost inseparable, and they take on every journey together, no matter how erotic. That is the story of those two. However, there is a problem: Nighthawk’s powers dwindle more and more over time and she becomes weak and hungry. To restore her companion’s powers for the time being, Erin needs one thing: sperm – no matter from whom or what. Even a lowly goblin will do it for her …
To free Nighthawk from her problem, they have to do one thing: visit various shrines of evil spirits to find spare parts for Tom Cat for a machine she created that can heal Hawk. However, she has to pass certain tests to get the spare parts – from a cowgirl test to a 100 times cum test … Erin endures them all …
Knight of Erin, Knight of Erin -Erin and Nighthawk-, 나이트 오브 에린