“Caressing the Nipples of My Hibernating Bear” is about a bear-man named Nowa, who has been living a lonely and solitary existence in a remote forest for years. However, this changes, when he, one day, finds the humanised puppy Airi and decides to raise it. As nature demands, Nowa goes into hibernation one unknown November, leaving his protégé, more or less, in the lurch. But when the bear wakes up again in spring, the little puppy has already grown into a big dog. It is eagerly awaiting its master and, for this reason, immediately begins to make love to Nowa’s chest and nipples, respectively. And so begins the story of a full-grown bear and a young dog, who seem to be madly in love with each other …
森のくまさん, 冬眠中., Caressing My Hibernating Bear, Mori no Kuma-san, Toumin-chuu ni Chikubi wo Mederaremashita., Caressing the Nipples of My Hibernating Bear, Morikuma