The Saint Orchis Academy is a well-known high school run by the prestigious Azuma family. Haruka, the eldest sister, is the headmistress of the school, the middle sister, Suzuma, is the student council president and the youngest sisters, Himari and Komari, are first-year students. A few years ago, the school was an all-girls’ school, which is why the male students are often teased and taken advantage of by the female students these days. However, they have finally had enough and want revenge. Their first targets are the Azuma sisters, because if they are overthrown, the rest will soon follow all by themselves …
Sei Dorei Gakuen 2, 聖奴隷学園2, 聖奴○学園2, Seidorei Gakuen 2, Holy Slave Academy 2, 성노예 학원2