After his father’s death, high-school student Yuuji lives in an apartment together with his relatively young stepmother and her two twin daughters. Nina, the younger of the two sisters, is the student council president and is highly respected by all her peers. She loves cute things but is a bit awkward when it comes to romantic matters. Her biggest weakness is her frightfulness. Yuna, the older of the two sisters, is rather reserved, but at school she has a large entourage of followers and even has her own fan club. When Mira, Yuuji’s stepmother, decides to seduce him, an unstoppable chain of events unfolds …
Master Piece The Animation, マスターピース THE ANIMATION, Венец творения, Непревзойдённая, Произведение искусства, マスターピース THE ANIMATION, 걸작, 마스터 피스