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Young Man is Sexually Abused by His Co-Worker

Hello everyone! Yesterday four new porn movies were announced! The first one is an adaptation of Mukuchi na Koushinchou Joshi no Gyutto Shasei Kanri.

Young Man is Sexually Abused by His Co-Worker

Produced by E-BODY, the movie is called EBOD-983 無口な高身長女子のぎゅっと射精管理 FANZA同人で1万超DL数コミックを初映像化!! 辻井ほのか and will last for 2 hours. Honoka Tsuji will play the role of the tall and serious senpai.

Get ready to see it on May 16th!

Mukuchi na Koushinchou Joshi no Gyutto Shasei Kanri is a doujinshi created by the artist Kugatsu Nagatsu, which was released in digital format on November 20, 2021.


Young Man is Sexually Abused by His Co-Worker

The doujinshi follows the story of a young employee who was transferred to a well-known sex toy manufacturing company. In his new job, he is sexually used by Hina, a tall and serius woman, to improve the company’s products.



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